پرش به محتوا



I saw lesson thirteen of Mr coach .

I studied page 53 of OPD in second time in my studying OPD.

I studied two parts of third review in lesson one in level two and I answered its question and I have a question: are apple and milk food ? I’m so sorry I know maby my question is funny for you but when the part 3 in third review ask to underline the food, I in doubt about it.

Thank you so much for your complete answer to my previous question and excuse me bother you.

By the way , Samane chose ( why do you want to learn English language) as a subject for this week for speaking in our group.

Maryam Heidaripoor:

Level 2/ lesson 1/ third review/ part 3

cereal – noodles- rice – beans – beef

I don’t know is it true? Or

Maryam Heidaripoor:

Level 2/ lesson 1/ third review/ part 3

cereal – milk – apple -noodles- rice – beans – beef

Is it true? I sent its picture to Admin

Thank you and excuse me for every things..


yes, they are food

food: any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth.
food: things that people and animals eat, such as vegetables or meat.

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