پرش به محتوا

گزارش پنجاه و ششم-20 فروردین-سمیه-شیراز

Hello nice counselor,two lessons(20th & 21st) were studied step by step.A lot of new vocabularies.I have a question; Why some examples have (ing) after (to)? like: Grandfather is accustomed to reading  the newspaper… or : We are accustomed to working together.Before it I thought after to we must use simple verbs!!Thanks for your help


yes you’re right, after “to”, we usually use the simple form of the verb but “be accustomed to (doing) something” is a phrase! got it?

ac‧cus‧tomed / əˈkʌstəmd / adjective

be accustomed to (doing) something to be familiar with something and accept it as normal :
We were accustomed to working together.
In everyday English, people usually say be used to instead of be accustomed to, and get used to instead of get/become accustomed to :
She ‘s used to working with children.
It’s hard at first, but you’ll get used to it.

look forward to something phrasal verb

to be excited and pleased about something that is going to happen :

I’m really looking forward to our vacation.
look forward to doing something

My mother says she’s looking forward to meeting you.

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