پرش به محتوا



I listened to the VOA one to number ten in part ” listening ” in lesson one in level two.

I saw Mr. Coach number five and it was great as the same before.

I spoke with my partners about ” habits ” and I learned two new things, but I have a problem,

 I don’t know how can I search about idioms that I know them just in Persian?

Anyway I found an idiom in search of Google but when check it with Admin, I understood that’s wrong.

I’m so sorry when I wrote my TOEFL course report, I didn’t notice to your question, my answer is:

Yes, I know the meaning of ” laboratory ” it’s a place to experiment something.


actually you found your idiom in a Persian website, you should do that in English sites.

you write ” put finger in the nose” after that search it . look at the result:

we find that most results are “nose-picking”, after that we search “nose-picking” defination.

it shows something you were looking for! that’s it!

another way, you search “nose” in an English dictionary

it shows all verbs, adjectives and other words that come with it

got it?

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