پرش به محتوا


azitaafsh-report 3-21Feb

 I studied all lesson 3 and took a brief look at Opd about 4 pages.Try to think English.  On my last report you told me read conversation loudly. What conversation do you mean? salamzaban: conversations of American course

azitaafsh-report 3-19Feb

Actually, it was weekend for me and I went out. I could study lesson 3 and OPD pages 6 and 7. Watched movie. Should I  do sth more? salamzaban: Think in English please and read conversations loudly

Report 1

Hi Actually, I think this is not a report because I was so busy and I haven’t started yet. I didn’t know how I should work with this site, as well . All the time , I try to start studying to… ادامه »Report 1