پرش به محتوا


first american course

hello i dont like to write the report.i think its not useful for  me. and cant help me.how a bout you.. salamzaban: why do you think so???? It’s completely wrong it helps me to know about your progress  

first american course

hi lesson15 user 3070505252 today is saturday.i am stuying a new lesson.my husband is watching tv.he is watching the  football playing .his favorite play is football.my girl is playing  guitar.her favorite play is guitar.we are very happy.. salamzaban: thank you

first american course

lesson 12 user 30705052 today .i feel very happy.i read 12 lessons  .i am very good.today i have a goodday. good luck salam zaban salamzaban: very good

first american course

leson10  3070505252 hi my full name hs narges ghasemi nejad.my nickname is narsis.i dont have a middle  name .my last name is ghasemi nejad. salamzaban: good job,